A simple and effective blend of bodywork, mindfulness and meditation techniques to deliver the benefits of relaxation for your rested best® personal-health-recovery.
What's yours?

Andrew Harry has 20+ years experience as a well-being specialist in the UK and is a Registered Polarity Practitioner and trainer at https://neutral-space.co.uk®.
He is fully qualified and insured to provide effective, personally tailored and medication-free interventions to help you improve your health and well-being and for you to find your way in to a more resourceful and resilient you.

The rested best® personal-health-recovery programme consists of two phases:
Phase 1: to get you back to your rested best® includes:
- 1 consultation – 2 hours followed by
- 2 core sessions – 1 hour each (if still required).
Phase 2: to keep you there.
Maintenance – routine, infrequent half-hour sessions, as you require.
Special offer – Phase One of the rested best®personal-health-recovery programme is currently available, for a limited period, at an incredible total price of only £100 (an amazing discount, against the normal individual session rate of £75. Free gift – On completion of your rested best® personal-health-recovery-programme you will also receive a free copy of Andrew’s popular book “fearsmall-LOVEBIG” normal retail price of £9.99p. Details can be found on-line at www.fearsmall-lovebig.com.
If you are being referred for treatment by another health professional or support service, or you wish to explore options of further concessionary rates, then contact Andrew directly and he will be happy to discuss and advise. There is nothing to lose, so sign up today. Whilst you may not be able to anticipate the experience, it could and most likely will, change your life.
Whatever your stressors or need for health-recovery, you can place your trust in rested best®.
Learn to relax, feel better and enjoy life more. It’s an enlightening experience and it is surprisingly easier than you think.
Link: UK Polarity Therapy Association – Practitioner Membership Website
[rested best® provides the application of the Polarity Principle in a Health-Care Setting].
Whatever your stressors or need for health-recovery, you can place your trust in rested best®.
Learn to relax, feel better and enjoy life more. It’s an enlightening experience and it is surprisingly easier than you think.
[rested best® operates under licence from Esencia Relaxation® which is registered with The Relaxation Academy and IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine), both provide accreditation/regulation for the training of ER practitioners].
“Step through mindfulness into meditation …once again experience the full embodiment of living. From a state of fragile, delicate awareness to one of robust consciousness: It’s like we have spent our lives living in a darkened room, perilously clinging on to the ceiling, when we find that all we need do is let go and we fall onto a deep soft warm bed, the curtains are open, light floods in and we are greeted by a beautiful dawn chorus, as if for the first time.”


Assisting you to recover to a state that is your rested best®
There is a philosophical shift occurring in our western culture, a shift in the dominant theme around the nature of our identity. Since the 17th Century this concept has reflected the Philosopher Descarte’s assertion of “Cogito, ergo sum” …. “I think, therefore I am”.
For 400 years the almost universal acceptance of his suggestion has been left peculiarly unchallenged. Unfettered, it has become woven into the very fabric of our culture and its authority has become embedded, deep into our psyche.
This powerful idea has unwittingly limited our ambition in how we relate to ourselves and diminished our collective well-being. The impact can be seen all around us. It is the proliferation of mental and neurological illness. We have suffered more.
We are now moving into a time where another idea is ascending. Our work has led us to assert that a refinement of Descarte’s magic spell is in order.
For us it is clear, we are experiencing a renaissance where “Cogito” becomes “Sentio” and the mantra is turned on its head to become “Sum, ergo sentio”….. “I am, therefore I feel”. Andrew has distilled this philosophical reframe into his book fear small LOVE BIG which is now available to buy and is also offered as a FREE GIFT when you complete Phase One of the rested best® Personal Health Recovery Programme.

rested best® helps clients learn quickly to manage stress and anxiety better, to sustainably work hard and play hard, to recover quicker in between and to enjoy life more. Clients soon learn that they have experienced a refreshing new way to relate to their environment, to others and especially to themselves. All of a sudden it is as if new resources* are available and the game has changed.
*”People do not change, they are merely revealed” Anne Enright.
Special offer – Phase One of the rested best®personal-health-recovery programme is currently available, for a limited period, at an incredible total price of only £100 (an amazing discount, against the normal individual session rate of £75. Free gift – On completion of your rested best® personal-health-recovery-programme you will also receive a free copy of Andrew’s popular book “fearsmall-LOVEBIG” retail price of £9.99p. Details can be found on-line at www.fearsmall-lovebig.com. If you are being referred for treatment by another health professional or support service, or you wish to explore options of further concessionary rates, then contact Andrew directly and he will be happy to discuss and advise. There is nothing to lose, so sign up today. Whilst you may not be able to anticipate the experience, it could and most likely will, change your life.